Shared Motherhood

Intra-partner egg donation. The use of IVF treatment, with one partner donating eggs to her partner, and becoming the 'biological mother.' The other partner carries the baby, and experiences the pregnancy as the 'birth mother'.

Enquiries & Appointments

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The Lister Fertility Clinic has been successfully treating same sex couples and single women for over two decades and we now offer a 3 cycle IUI package.

As a single woman, you may wish to have a baby now or consider fertility options for the future and we are here to give you all the information you need so that you can make an informed choice that you feel comfortable with. The correct treatment option will depend on individual circumstances as many will have no inherent fertility problems and will not require the more invasive treatments. We will guide you through the different options and factors such as age, ovarian reserve, presence of any fertility problems will help guide us together to a final decision.

Often both partners in a same-sex couple may wish to have a fertility assessment that will help them decide whose eggs to use for treatment. For example the older partner with the lower ovarian reserve may opt to use her eggs first.

We will also help you to source donor sperm and although all using donor sperm are required to have a counselling session to discuss the implications and anonymity issues, the counselling team is always available to offer support throughout your journey as required. We will also offer advice and reassurance on legal parenthood issues and will discuss any circumstances where seeking more formal legal advice may be sensible.

Read more on legal parenthood on the HFEA website

Treatment options

  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • In-vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • Egg donation - One partner may choose to undergo IVF to create embryos using her eggs and donor sperm and another carry the embryos. Our dedicated egg donation team would guide you through this process. 
  • Egg sharing - If eligible, a single woman or a partner may choose to enroll in our egg sharing program where the woman receiving standard IVF treatment chooses to share her eggs with another woman who is unable to produce or use her own eggs. The woman sharing her eggs will not be charged for her own standard IVF treatment, apart from the HFEA licence fee.
  • Fertility preservation - As a single woman, you may wish to preserve fertility for the future by egg freezing or as a same sex couple you may desire a family but at a later date and choose to egg freeze or embryo freeze using donor sperm.

Our Shared Motherhood locations

Lister Fertility Clinic

Lister Fertility Clinic

Chelsea Bridge Road SW1W 8RH London
Lister Fertility Clinic at The Portland Hospital

Lister Fertility Clinic at The Portland Hospital

215 Great Portland Street W1W 5PN London

Patient stories

Hear from past patients about their experience

This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.