In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

  • The UK’s largest private IVF unit
  • More than 22,000 IVF success stories since 1988
  • More than 75,000 IVF cycles performed

Appointments and enquiries

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Why choose us?
We’ve helped thousands of people become parents through IVF treatment. While each of those patients is unique, some things stay the same. You’ll have fully personalised care, throughout, with a single, lead consultant to guide you through your treatment, and the same sonographer for all of your scans. 

You’ll also have support from a small, dedicated team including nurses, laboratory staff and counsellors on hand to help you every step of the way.

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is a fertility treatment that involves fertilising an egg outside your body.1 In IVF treatment, eggs are removed from your ovaries and mixed with sperm in a laboratory. One or more fertilised eggs (called embryos) are then returned to your womb. The different stages of the process are known as a treatment cycle.1,2

IVF can be used to help people with a wide range of fertility problems.1,2 You may also have IVF treatment if you’re having egg freezing or embryo freezing for future use. 

  • You can have IVF treatment using your own eggs and sperm from a male partner, or you can use donated eggs or donor sperm. You can also have IVF as part of surrogacy. 

    Ultimately, we want to make sure all our patients understand the IVF process and are fully prepared for treatment. This includes the following steps. 
  • An initial medical consultation with your named consultant. They’ll discuss your individual circumstances and treatment options. At the end of the consultation, we’ll provide you with a personalised treatment plan and associated costs. 
  • Completion of consent forms for treatment. This is an essential clinical and legal part of the process. We’ll make sure you have all the information you need to be able to give your consent – and plenty of opportunities to ask us any questions. 
  • A pre-IVF consultation with our nursing team. This happens one-to-two weeks before your treatment starts. We’ll make sure all your screening tests are complete, confirm you’ve given consent and go through your treatment plan with you.  

You can find out more about IVF and meet our clinic team at our open evenings. Held both online and in-person, these events are designed to help those actively thinking about fertility treatment options. 

IVF success rates in the UK from 2021 show that 29 out of every 100 fresh embryo transfers (29%) led to pregnancy. This is based on data from all licensed fertility clinics in the UK and across all age groups. Fresh embryo transfer means embryos that are transferred straight away in an IVF cycle, rather than being frozen. 

You’ll find more information about success rates at the Lister Fertility Clinic, here

Your individual chance of success with IVF will depend on many things. These include:2

  • Your age. Your chance of success is greater the younger you are. 
  • The number of treatment cycles you’ve had. Chances of success fall with the number of failed treatment cycles. 
  • Whether you’ve previously been pregnant. Your chances are greater if you’ve previously been pregnant or had a baby. 
  • Your weight. Your chances are greater if you’re a healthy weight for your height. 
  • Lifestyle factors. Drinking alcohol or caffeine and smoking can reduce the chance of success. 

The risk of side effects from IVF is generally low. But while most people don’t experience any problems,3 it’s still important to be aware of them. IVF treatment side effects may include:2,3

  • Side effects from fertility medicines, such as hot flushes, discomfort and bloating, breast tenderness and headaches4
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. This is when too many eggs develop in your ovaries. It can be very painful and, in severe cases, dangerous. Your consultant will tell you the signs to look out for. 
  • Multiple pregnancies. This is riskier for both you and your babies. 
  • Ectopic pregnancy. This is when a pregnancy develops in a fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy cannot survive. 

It’s unclear whether there could be an increase in the risk of congenital birth defects, but these are very rare. Research is ongoing in this area.3

Our price lists include clear information on our IVF treatment costs. It’s important to remember that every treatment journey is different. Some people need more services, and others need less. There are also often variations in medication costs. 

We also offer multicycle IVF packages through our partnerships with Access Fertility and Assured Fertility.



babies born with us


dedicated consultants


years with a history of success

Next-day appointments

See a specialist in as little as 24 hours

State-of-the-art diagnostics

With results in as little as 48 hours

Multidisciplinary teams

Expert treatment with specialist care for complex care 

The IVF process

What to expect

From the moment you step through the door, until the time you’re ready to leave, we want you to feel as comfortable as possible with us, every step of the way. 

Part of that is making sure you’re prepared and informed with our guide to each stage of the IVF process. You can also download our in-depth, step-by-step IVF / ICSI cycle overview here.

If you have any questions that aren’t covered here, or in the FAQ section below, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our team will be happy to help in any way they can. 


Initial consultation

You’ll have a named doctor for your initial consultation and any planning for your treatment. They’ll talk to you about your treatment options and come up with a personalised treatment plan you’re happy with. 

If you have an underlying health condition that means you shouldn’t take fertility medicines, your consultant may suggest natural or mild stimulation IVF. This means having no, or lower doses of fertility medicines. 


Preparing for IVF

You’ll have personally tailored daily injections of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) for around two weeks to stimulate egg production.

You’ll also have blood tests and ultrasound scans to monitor the number and size of the follicles and help us know when to collect the eggs. 

When one or more follicles reach a certain size, (usually 18mm or more), you’ll have an injection of hormones to mature the eggs before collection.


Collection and fertilisation

Collection itself is a minor procedure during which a needle, guided by ultrasound, is inserted to collect the eggs. The procedure’s performed under anaesthesia or sedation, so you won’t feel any pain. 

After collection, your eggs will be mixed with the sperm (either your male partner’s or a donor’s) in a laboratory to allow fertilisation

If fertilisation is successful, the eggs (embryos) will be left to grow in the lab. We usually recommend letting the embryos develop for a full five days (known as blastocyst transfer), so we can select those with the best chance of success.


Embryo transfer

The number of embryos we transfer will depend on your age, the quality of the embryos, and your previous history. Any extra embryos can be frozen at this stage if you would like them to be. The procedure to transfer an embryo to your womb is a simple, painless procedure, similar to a cervical screening (smear) test.


After your transfer

You’ll usually need to wait two weeks before taking a pregnancy test. This can be a stressful time, but it’s best to keep to your normal routine while you wait. 

You’ll need to take progesterone supplements during this time to support your womb lining. If you have a positive pregnancy test, you’ll continue taking this until week 12 of your pregnancy.

Where can I access IVF treatment?

Across our extensive network of hospitals and treatment centres, we have dozens of industry-leading fertility experts who can help you, from initial consultation to treatment and next steps. 
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Lister Fertility Clinic

Chelsea Bridge Road SW1W 8RH London
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Lister Fertility Clinic at The Portland Hospital

First Floor 215 Great Portland Street W1W 5PN London
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Lister Fertility Clinic at The Beaconsfield Clinic

Little Hall Barn Windsor End, Beaconsfield HP9 2JW Buckinghamshire
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Lister Fertility Clinic at The Shard

The Shard Outpatients St Thomas Street SE1 9BS London

Accessing private health care

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You don’t need health insurance to be seen quickly. If you’re looking for treatment and don’t want to wait, all of our fertility treatments can be paid for as and when you need them.

And to give you peace of mind from the start, we’ll provide you with a clear and transparent quote outlining exactly what’s included in your self-pay package.

See our pricelists

Book a consultation


We know that, sadly, not all IVF treatment cycles will be successful. Although it’s often just down to chance, the emotional and physical burden of a failed IVF cycle can be high. 

If your IVF treatment doesn’t result in pregnancy, we’ll be there for you to help in any way we can, and talk through your options whenever you feel ready. 

If you have several failed IVF cycles (recurrent implantation failure or miscarriage), there are screening tests and treatments we may be able to recommend. For some people, these “add-on” treatments may increase your chance of conceiving.5

You can do a pregnancy test 11 days after the transfer of your embryo. If you do a test before this time, the results may be inaccurate. 
Yes, you can have sex while you’re going through IVF. However, it’s best to use barrier contraception, such as a condom or diaphragm. This is to prevent the possibility of multiple pregnancies, and to stop anything interfering with your embryo transfer. If you have a male partner, they are usually asked to abstain from sex for a couple of days before providing a sperm sample. 
Individual times will depend on your individual treatment plan, but typically a cycle of IVF treatment can take between three and six weeks. 
The number of rounds of IVF you’ll have will be determined by a number of different factors including the outcomes of previous cycles. There’s no defined limit and the suitable number for each person or couple will vary. Your consultant will be able to talk to offer you more guidance on this. 
  1. Choe J, Shanks AL. In vitro fertilization. StatPearls Publishing. 2023. Available from:, accessed 9 April 2024.
  2. Fertility problems: assessment and treatment. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. 2017. Available from:, accessed 9 April 2024.
  3. Risks of fertility treatment. Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority. n.d. Available from:, accessed 9 April 2024.
  4. Clomifene 50mg tablets. Electronic medicines compendium. Available from:, accessed 8 May 2024.
  5. ESHRE Add-ons working group; Lundin K, Bentzen JG, Bozdag G, et al. Good practice recommendations on add-ons in reproductive medicine. Hum Reprod 2023;38(11): 2062-2104. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dead184.

Our patients’ fertility stories

Amazing clinic, couldn’t have chosen a better clinic to undertake IVF. All the doctors and nurses were incredibly friendly and supportive.

This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.