Ovulation induction

  • Plan for your future with the experts
  • Visit Lister Fertility Clinic, the UK's largest private IVF unit
  • Over 22,000 babies born with us

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Ovulation induction at HCA UK

Wy choose us?

This is one of the simplest and least invasive forms of fertility treatment. It aims to regulate your cycle and get you ovulating efficiently. The good news is that this approach has really good results, leaving you with the same chance of a successful pregnancy as someone of a similar age trying naturally who doesn’t have any cycle concerns.

Factors such as your age and general health will impact the success of ovulation induction treatment. Our expert teams are here to support you at every stage.

Ovulation induction means taking fertility drugs to stimulate your follicles to grow and ensure ovulation occurs efficently1. Follicles are the fluid-filled sacs within which eggs develop and ovulation is the release of an egg from one of your ovaries.

There are several reasons that you may not ovulate,1,2 including: 

If your fertility is impacted by any of these, your consultant may recommend that you have ovarian induction, as part of an assisted reproductive technique such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF)  and intrauterine insemination (IUI).

The most common ovulation induction drugs include clomifene citrate, letrozole and metformin, 1,2  all fertility tablets that you take by mouth and all given for five days, starting within the first few days of a period.1 Your response to these fertility drugs is then monitored by ultrasound scans and a blood test to help confirm ovulation.

If these tablets have been effective, you may be able to continue to take them without further monitoring for 6 months .1,2

However fertility tablets are not always effective and more powerful fertility injections may be needed to stimulate follicle development in your ovaries.1,2 With these more potent fertility drugs 1,3there is a greater risk of excessive follicle growth which means you have a greater chance of multiple pregnancy.1,22

You’ll be offered ultrasound scans to monitor your response to fertility drugs.1,2 Your consultant will want to make sure that you’re getting the optimal dose. This means a dose that will give you the best chance of a successful single pregnancy, reducing your chance of a multiple pregnancy.1

At Lister Fertility Clinics, you’ll always be monitored by both ultrasound scans and blood tests while you’re receiving fertility injections.

The risk of complications with ovulation induction is low when you’re monitored by an experienced consultant.1

Some people are very sensitive to the drugs that are used.   If too many eggs develop, this could lead to a multiple pregnancy, and that’s riskier  for both you and your babies.1,8

So, you may on occasion be advised to refrain from intercourse in a treatment cycle and the have your dose adjusted in the future.

Your consultant will use ultrasound scans and blood tests to monitor you during treatment. This will help to make sure your chance of these complications arising remains as low as possible.

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babies born with us


dedicated fertility consultants


years with a history of success

Next-day appointments

See a specialist in as little as 24 hours

State-of-the-art diagnostics

With results in as little as 48 hours

Multidisciplinary teams

Expert treatment with specialist care for complex care 

Your ovulation induction journey

What to expect

This is one of the simplest and most effective fertility procedures we perform. Our expert staff are here to help you, every step of the way.


Initial consultation

At your initial consultation, your consultant will talk to you about your medical, family and lifestyle history and conduct a thorough physical examination. This is your opportunity to ask us any questions you have about the process and your options.


Investigations and diagnostics

Your consultant will want to run a set of tests and scans which will be conducted in-house. You’ll get results in as little as 48 house. With us you have the security of knowing that everything you need to plan your future is in one place.


Ovulation induction treatment

We’ll the start your treatment using either medication or injections, depending on how well your body responds.

We’ll always monitor your cycle at this time If you have an irregular menstrual cycle or ovulation isn't happening, ultrasound scans and hormone assessments may help to identify your most fertile time of the month and so improve your chances of having a natural conception.


Follow-up and next steps

A follow-up consultation is where we talk about how your treatment is going. If you aren’t about to get pregnant naturally, this is the stage when we might consider IVF. You consultant will draw up a personalised treatment plan to ensure you have the best chances of conceiving.

Where can I access ovulation induction services?

You’ll find our services in London and Buckinghamshire. Across hospitals and treatment centres, you’ll have access to dozens of industry-leading fertility experts who can help, from initial consultation through to treatment, working alongside your oncology team at every stage, and next steps.

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Lister Fertility Clinic

Chelsea Bridge Road SW1W 8RH London
Lister Fertility Clinic at The Portland Hospital _ 0522_055

Lister Fertility Clinic at The Portland Hospital

First Floor 215 Great Portland Street W1W 5PN London
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Lister Fertility Clinic at The Beaconsfield Clinic

Little Hall Barn Windsor End, Beaconsfield HP9 2JW Buckinghamshire
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Lister Fertility Clinic at The Shard

The Shard Outpatients St Thomas Street SE1 9BS London

Accessing private health care

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You don’t need health insurance to be seen quickly. If you’re looking for treatment and don’t want to wait, all of our fertility treatments can be paid for as and when you need them.

And to give you peace of mind from the start, we’ll provide you with a clear and transparent quote outlining exactly what’s included in your self-pay package.

See our pricelists

Book a consultation


If you’d like to book in, you can simply self-refer. Just give us a call and explain your situation. Our team will find you the best available slot.

Yes, of course. We have a choice of 17 female and male fertility specialists working at the Lister Fertility Clinic and across our satellite branches.

It depends on the type of package you opt for. Check out our price list

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) is the UK’s independent regulator of fertility treatment research using human embryos. We’re proud that Lister Fertility Clinic has both an inspection and patient rating of 5/5.

Our patients' fertility stories

Cristina's IVF story

When Cristina was diagnosed with breast cancer, not only was she concerned about her own health, but she also didn't want the cancer treatment to stop her from becoming a mother. Thanks to the fertility experts at Lister Fertility Clinic, Cristina was able to undergo an egg collection before she started her radiation treatment. 

Cristina was overjoyed to welcome her 'big, little miracle' - her wonderful daughter. This is Cristina's inspiring story.

Throughout the process he was incredibly thorough in recommending diagnostic tests and in explaining the best course of action. It’s evident he really cares about his patients and is very dedicated.

Patient review of Mr Raef Faris
from Doctify
Reviewed by
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James Nicopoullos
Medical Director at Lister Fertility Clinic

This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.