Expertise: Our surgeons and surgical teams have extensive experience in performing a wide range of cancer surgery, including reconstructive surgeries. We provide some of the most complex and innovative cancer surgery, including Cytoreductive Surgery with HIPEC in both London and Manchester.
Innovation: We are committed to continuous innovation. We adopt the latest and most effective treatment techniques, and invest in the most advanced technology, to ensure our patients have access to innovative surgical treatment options at the earliest opportunity.
State-of-the-art surgical facilities: Our hospitals have state-of-the-art surgical theatres to ensure the highest level of care and safety for our patients.
Robotic-assisted surgery: We were early adopters of robotic surgery and our expert surgeons provide the latest robotic surgery innovations across multiple specialties including head and neck, colorectal, gynaecological, thoracic, and urological cancers, with access to latest da Vinci Xi surgical system.
We're the only private provider to train surgeons on the robotic da Vinci surgical system and are proud to be the first healthcare provider in the UK* to offer patients access to the da Vinci Single Port (SP) surgical system.
Comprehensive care and support: From diagnosis to recovery, our multidisciplinary team collaborates to provide comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs, being sure to address not only the physical aspects of your cancer diagnosis, but also the emotional and psychological impact.
CQC ratings: All our hospitals have been rated Good or Outstanding.
*(As of 22 April 2024)