Bronchial challenge test
A lung function test for asthma
This straightforward assessment measures lung sensitivity to diagnose asthma
What is a bronchial challenge test?
Asthma is a common condition that causes lung inflammation and makes it difficult to breathe. This inflammation is sometimes caused by allergies or overly sensitive airways.
A bronchial challenge test ‘challenges’ your airways by asking you to inhale doses of a powder and then measures your lungs' reaction.
Need to know
Your consultant will review the results of the test with you and let you know if any other assessments are needed. If your test confirms a diagnosis of asthma, your consultant will talk to you about the best treatment options to help you manage your condition.
Our Bronchial challenge test locations
The Harley Street Clinic
The Princess Grace Hospital
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.