Prostatic urethral lift implant
Surgical procedure for non-cancerous enlarged prostates, with fewer side-effects compared to other procedures
What is a prostatic urethral lift implant?
Prostatic urethral lift implant is a procedure designed for men with an enlarged prostate, known as benign prostate hypertrophy or BPH.
The procedure involves the use of small implants to lift aside the obstructive lining of the prostate from the urethra, improving urinary flow. Urolift avoids the need to remove any of the prostate.
The procedure also reduces the risk of any of the common side-effects associated with BPH treatments such as erectile dysfunction or the need for a catheter.
Benefits of prostatic urethral lift implants
- Day case procedure
- Minimally invasive procedure
- Reduced risk of sexual side-effects
- Retrograde or dry ejaculation, erectile dysfunction
- Risk of catheter insertion is reduced
- Reduced infection rates
- No incontinence
- Average patient is back to full daily activities within 72 hours of procedure
Need to know about prostatic urethral lift implant
These implants are then attached to the inner and outer wall of the prostate. The obstructive prostate tissue is then lifted from the urethral track. The number of implants (similar in design to a treasury tag) used is dependent on the size of your prostate, and your consultant will advise you accordingly.
Generally, with this procedure, you may not be required to have a catheter inserted but your consultant will advise you.
The process takes around 15-20 minutes to complete and is usually carried out in a day case setting. While it is unlikely you will be required to stay overnight there are, as with all surgical procedures, some risks and other side-effects involved.
Once your surgery is completed your consultant and nursing teams will inform you on how the procedure went, next steps and what to do when you return home. They will also advise you of any possible side effects.
Our Prostatic urethral lift implant locations
London Bridge Hospital
The Princess Grace Hospital
The Shard Outpatients
Patient stories
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.