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HCA UK provides parotid gland surgery to treat and diagnose problems with your parotid gland.
HCA UK provides parotid gland surgery to treat and diagnose problems with your parotid gland.
You have two parotid glands in your neck, and they are part of a group of glands which produce saliva.
Sometimes lumps, nodules and cysts (abnormal growths of parotid gland tissue) can develop on your parotid gland and require removal via parotid gland surgery (parotidectomy).
If you have parotid gland growths, your GP or consultant may recommend a parotidectomy. Although most abnormal growths are benign (non-cancerous), they should always be assessed.
Depending on the extent of your condition, the whole parotoid gland may be removed, or sometimes just the growth will be removed.
Parotidectomy will be performed under general anaesthetic. The consultant will make a large cut from your ear and down your neck and some nerves to your skin will also be cut. After all or part of your parotoid gland has been removed, the area will be closed with stitches or staples and a plastic drain tube may also be left in place.
Parotidectomy is generally a very safe procedure, however as with any surgery or treatment, there are some risks and side effects involved, including: facial weakness and numbness of the face and ear. Your consultant will explain these to you in more detail and answer any questions you might have.
Parotid gland surgery usually takes between one and two hours in theatre.
We will let you know in advance how long to avoid eating and drinking before your surgery.
After the procedure, you will be taken to the recovery unit, where our dedicated team will look after you. You’ll be given pain relief medication if needed.
After the procedure, the plastic drain tube will stay in place for between 24 and 48 hours before being removed.
Your consultant or specialist nurse will let you know when you can leave the hospital and will also advise you on how to best manage your ongoing treatment and pain relief. It’s important to avoid all moderate and heavy physical activity for up to 10 days after surgery, and you may be required to take up to two weeks off work.
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.