Colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis
A colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis is a surgical procedure which may be able to help with ulcerative colitis
Surgery for ulcerative colitis?
Ulcerative colitis is a condition where part of the digestive tract (usually the rectum and colon) becomes inflamed. This can lead to diarrhoea, cramping and other symptoms. In some cases, a colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis may help. It's a surgical procedure which involves removing part or all of your colon (the large intestine) and joining the illeum (the last part of the small intestine) to your rectum. By doing so, it can help to restore your normal bowel motions.
There are two types of colectomy: open and laparoscopic. Your consultant will decide which is right for you. Both are carried out under general anaesthetic.
Need to know
Need to know
There are two types of colectomy: open or laparoscopic. Your consultant will decide which is right for you.
Your consultant will make a large cut along your abdomen (midriff) so they can access your colon. They will then remove the damaged part of your colon.
Your consultant will make small, keyhole-size cuts in your abdomen and insert a camera through one of them. They'll use the camera to find and remove your colon. They'll then operate on your colon externally before reinserting it into your body.
In both cases, your consultant will join the the last part of the small intestine to your rectum.
You'll mostly likely meet your consultant or nurse specialist at a pre-surgery screening. This will be on a date before your procedure. They'll explain what happens during the operation and how you'll need to prepare for it. They'll also inform you of any risks or side effects.
After your procedure, we'll take you to our recovery ward, where you'll be cared for by our dedicated team of consultants and nurses. You'll stay with us until you regain normal bowel function. This could be for up to a week. We may also put you on a drip to keep you hydrated until you're able to drink normally. Your consultant or specialist nurse will let you know when you can leave the hospital and get back to you normal routine.
Our Colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis locations
The Princess Grace Hospital
The Shard Outpatients
London Digestive Centre
Patient stories
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.