Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections

Orthobiology injections | Injections for sports injuries

Specialists at HCA, including spinal consultants, sports medicine consultant and dermatologists offers platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections to promote healing

About PRP injections

Stem cells and platelets are naturally occurring substances found in blood, and they can be injected into the body to help promote the recovery of injured muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments.

They are referred to as platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections. The substances are injected into injured tissue or an injured joint to promote healing. Prolotherapy (the injection of a sugar-based solution) is also a treatment option which is thought to spark inflammation and encourage healing.

Need to know

  • What happens during PRP injections? icon plus

    There are two different types of injection:

    • Platelet rich plasma (PRP) injection: blood is taken from you using a small needle (aspiration). A centrifuge separates the platelet rich part of the blood, which is then injected into the injured area.
    • Prolotherapy injections: a substance (artificial such as dextrose) is injected directly into the joint, along with a local anaesthetic.
  • How to prepare for your injections icon plus

    Your consultant will advise you on any preparation you need to make.
  • After your injections icon plus

    After the injections, you should see a major improvement in your symptoms. The injection site may be sore and inflamed, but this should be temporary.

Our sport injury specialists

We're proud to work with leading orthopaedic and sports medicine specialists, whose skills are matched by their integrity and compassion.

Our locations in London

From complex orthopaedic surgery to procedures and therapeutic sessions such as physiotherapy, we provide exceptional musculoskeletal care across our network of hospitals, outpatient centres and specialist clinics.

Private PRP injections in Birmingham

Private PRP injections in Manchester

Book an appointment

Our team can help with any enquiries or you can make an appointment with one of our experienced consultants.

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020 7079 4344
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.
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