CaRi-heart technology
Revolutionary new technology to assess the risk of a serious heart condition or heart attack – many years before anything happens.
An ultrasound whilst baby is in utero before the baby has been born. Sometimes referred to as a foetal cardiac scan.
A fetal cardiac scan will let you know detailed information about your baby's heart, blood vessels and overall well-being
The scan is undertaken between 19-21 weeks, please be aware it is normal for your unborn baby to have their heart scanned.
This scan uses ultrasound imaging, to monitor and assess the baby's heart, blood vessels, blood flow and general health. The test is carried out in a supportive environment with experienced nurses and imaging teams. Your consultant obstetrician will answer any questions you may have about the scan.
You should be able to go home immediately after your scan. If there is a problem with your baby's heart, your consultant obstetrician will take great care to explain your next options to you. This may include: