CaRi-heart technology
Revolutionary new technology to assess the risk of a serious heart condition or heart attack – many years before anything happens.
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Mr Langdon is a consultant neurosurgeon who specialises in: brain tumours; epilesy; seizures; dystonia (tremors); Parkinsons disease; movement disorders; deep brain stimulation; Spinal surgery; Back pain; Sciatica; Disc replacement; Spinal neurosurgery; neck pain; brachalgia; facet joint pain; spinal stenosis; disc prolapse; cervical myelopathy; cervical radiculopathy; spinal tumours; failed back surgery syndrome; carpal tunnel; laminectomy; spinal injections; spine decompression; discectomy; microdiscectomy; foraminotomy; craniotomy; pars defect; pars repair; anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) and anterior cervical discectomy replacement (ACDR).
Spinal Surgery
This consultant doesn't have any qualification information at the moment.
General Medical Council: 3430484
35 Weymouth Street, London, W1G 8BJ
78 Harley Street, London, W1G 7HJ
New appointment: £330
Follow-up appointment: £275
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