CaRi-heart technology
Revolutionary new technology to assess the risk of a serious heart condition or heart attack – many years before anything happens.
General Surgery
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Jim Khan is a specialist colorectal cancer surgeon with comprehensive training in general and emergency surgery and an experience that spans over 25 years since graduation as a doctor. He treats a wide range of disorders affecting the small intestine, colon and rectum, in particuar has considerable experience treating bowel cancer and performing robotic and laparoscopic surgery. He practices at PGH, QAH Portmsouth and Spire Portsmouth Hospitals
Prof Khan graduated in 1996 and specialised in general surgery. He did basic surgical traiing in wet of Scotland and after his Masters from the Cardiff University, he joined Wessex surgical rotation for specialist registrar training in colorectal surgery. He learned complex pelvic and rectal cancer surgery while working with Professor Heald at Basingstoke. He was awarded a UK National Laparoscopic Fellowship at Colchester in 2007, where he received training in advanced laparoscopic pelvic surgery. He was subsequently offered a second travelling clinical fellowship to the Mayo Clinic Rochester (US). Later on he travelled to Korea to work with Prof Kim and trina in advanced robotic surgery.
Prof Khan is an international KOL (key opinion leader) in robotics ad colorectal surgery. He is actively involved in medical education and clinical training. He teaches on a variety of courses and is co-director fo VIMARS (Victory Institute of Minial Access Robotic Surgery)He is a national and European trainer in robotic surgery and laparoscopic surgery.
Prof Khan is a keen resaerher and holds an honorary chair in surgery at the University of Portsmouth . He has pubslihed over 120 peer reviweed papers in various aspects of colorectal surgery. He is the principal investigaror of various natioanl and international tirals and is director of a number of courses and TME fellowship program
Prof khan is married to a gynaecologists and has two daughters studying to become an aeronautical engineer and a doctor Mr Khan is also a keen cricketer and plays regularly for a local club in Romsey. He also enjoys playing badminton, golf and running.
Laparoscopic (Key-Hole) Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Upper GI (Gastrointestinal) Surgery
Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, English
MBBS, MSc, PhD, FCPS (Surg), FRCS (Glasg), FRCS (Gen Burg), FASCRS
General Medical Council: 6049414
42-52 Nottingham Place, London, W1U 5NY
New appointment: £400
Follow-up appointment: £200
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