CaRi-heart technology
Revolutionary new technology to assess the risk of a serious heart condition or heart attack – many years before anything happens.
Lupus is a disease of the immune system where a wide variety of antibodies are produced, leading to inflammation in the joints and skin. Lupus may begin aggressively as an acute illness or might be undiagnosed for years. It can also appear as a transient disease. Earlier diagnosis and advancements in treatment mean that the majority of patients have a normal lifespan and lifestyle.
Symptoms of lupus vary greatly depending on the type you have, but may include:
Your consultant will speak to you about your symptoms and perform a physical examination. To make a diagnosis, your consultant will normally expect at least four of the internationally recognised list of 11 accepted conditions to be present. These are:
1. malar rash (red rash over your cheeks)
2. discmoid rash (red patches of skin on your body)
3. photosensitivity
4. mouth or nose ulcers
5. serositis (inflammation of the tissue covering your internal organs)
6. arthritis
7. renal disorders
8.neurological disorder (including seizures and balance problems)
9. haematological disorder
10. immunologic disorder
11. a positive anti-nuclear antibody test (ANA)
Treatment options include:
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.