Function loss from old nerve injury

Loss of movement, stability and grip. Our leading peripheral nerve surgeon can treat historic nerve injuries, restoring function and relieving pain.

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Spinal and peripheral nerve

About function loss

When a nerve has been damaged many years before and has left the patient with permanent loss of function. in selected cases, the function can be partially restored by detaching muscles that perform another movement and redirecting them onto the paralysed muscles through surgery.

Need to know 

The main symptom of function loss from an old nerve injury is paralysis.
Longstanding and permanent nerve damage causes lack of movement, which in itself is diagnostic. At times, EMG and nerve conduction studies might be requested to confirm the quality of the muscles that need to be transferred.
Through surgery, less essential muscles are detached from the bone and redirected onto a new one to restore some of the lost movement.

Mr Marco Sinisi - Peripheral Nerve Specialist

At HCA Healthcare UK, we work with leading consultants to enable access to the the latest techniques and treatment.

Mr Marco Sinisi is our lead consultant for Peripheral Nerve Injuries based at The Wellington Hospital. Mr Sinisi has a comprehensive knowledge of nerve injuries and has experience in a wide range of nerve problems from trauma through to sports injuries. He is experienced in managing complex nerve conditions as well as performing complex nerve operations. 

Patient stories

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This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.