
Search through all of the conditions we can treat, and find out more about symptoms and causes of common illnesses. Our private healthcare spans a wide range of conditions treated in our world-class hospitals and outpatient centres.

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Consultation with male patient

Book to see a doctor

Diagnosing a condition

At HCA UK we provide access to GP and consultants across the full range of medical and surgical specialties to help diagnose a wide range of conditions.

Our private GP service provides a first point of contact for you to see a doctor to investigate any symptoms or family history. Our GP can arrange diagnostic test and scans, and also refer you on to a specialist when needed. 

In some medical areas you can book appointments directly with a consultant, however please be aware if you have private medical insurance, you will need a GP referral prior to your consultant consultation.

Useful information

Making an appointment at Lister Fertility Clinic | HCA UK


Private medical treatment costs

At HCA Healthcare UK we take great pride in ensuring our patients receive the very highest standards of private healthcare at all times.

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Getting a second opinion

Feel confident you're getting the best advice and medical treatment


International patients

Find out more about how to access private medical treatment in the UK with HCA UK.

Our international patient team is available to support patients right from booking an initial consultation through to being admitted to hospital for treatment.