CaRi-heart technology
Revolutionary new technology to assess the risk of a serious heart condition or heart attack – many years before anything happens.
We see patients with rheumatic disease from all over the world, and are a dedicated centre for the treatment of lupus. Our team are at the forefront of research and new developments in the monitoring and treatment of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and its associated conditions: Hughes’ (antiphospholipid) Syndrome and Sjogren's Syndrome.
Our patients have access to London Bridge Hospital's fully equipped physiotherapy and diagnostic facilities including X-ray and MRI. In addition to our outpatient services, we provide full inpatient care if admission to hospital for further treatment is needed.
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus - SLE) is now recognised as a major, modern-day disease. It is a long-term condition in which the immune system becomes overactive causing inflammation to the joints, skin and other organs. There are a wide range of symptoms from: fatigue, skin rashes, joint pain and depression to life-threatening kidney or brain complications. In approximately one in five people, it can lead to an increased tendency for blood clotting (Hughes’ Syndrome).
The conditions we treat:
Many of our consultants have global reputations for their pioneering research into rheumatic diseases, lupus and lupus-related conditions. Professor Graham Hughes, who discovered some lupus patients’ increased tendency to blood clotting (now known as Hughes’ Syndrome) founded the London Lupus Centre.
Professor Hughes is considered a world leader in his field and is regularly published in influential medical journals. Our team consists of several consultant rheumatologists, who have all trained under Professor Hughes at the famous St Thomas’ Hospital, London.
The centre is supported by a wider multidisciplinary team of dermatologists, kidney specialists, cardiologists, orthopaedic consultants, obstetricians, radiologists and clinical nurse specialists. This collaborative approach to patient care means treatment plans are discussed regularly and agreed by the field’s top medical minds. Care plans are developed based on multiple factors and consider the individual’s condition, medical history, lifestyle and future goals.
Many of our consultants are actively involved in pioneering research into rheumatic diseases, lupus and lupus-related conditions. This includes studies that explore new therapies for the treatment of rheumatic diseases.
The team of consultants regularly publish in influential medical journals. There are particular research strengths in Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Hughes’ syndrome, myositis and vasculitis. Many of our consultants are involved in the development of national and international guidelines to ensure the best treatment of patients with rheumatic diseases.