Hip and pelvis treatments

Anterior hip replacement surgery


A minimally invasive surgical procedure to replace the hip joint using the anterior approach without cutting the muscle

Closed reduction for hip dislocation

Closed reduction is a specific type of surgery that is used to correct dysplasia of the hip (hip dislocation) in babies.

Hip Arthroscopy

This minimally invasive procedure offers an alternative to open techniques and can evaluate hip conditions such as labral tears, arthritis and chondral injuries.

Hip impingement surgery

Hip impingement surgery reshapes the bones of the hip joint to correct abnormal bone contact and reduce cartilage damage.

Hip replacement surgery

An operation to replace a worn or damaged hip joint with an artificial one. Hip replacement surgery can bring you great relief from chronic hip pain and improve your mobility and quality of life.

Hip resurfacing surgery


​Hip resurfacing involves replacing the damaged or diseased surface of the hip ball and socket joint with a metal surface

Hip revision surgery

A surgical operation to replace a prosthetic joint from a previous hip replacement.

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Paying for medical treatment

You don't need medical insurance to have fast access to our top consultants, extensive range of treatments, diagnostic tests and surgical procedures at our world-class facilities.