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Enlarged prostate. BPH affects one third of men aged 50 in the UK, with occurrences increasing with age.
The prostate is a walnut-sized gland below the bladder. Your urethra (urine tube) runs through the prostate. A benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlarged prostate, the size of the prostate gland does increase with age, however a benign prostate hyperplasia is caused by an excess growth in prostate tissue.
BPH is not normally cancerous, but it can put pressure on the urethra by squeezing it, reducing the flow of urine from the bladder, and making it difficult to pass urine.
There a number of symptoms associated with BPH, all classed as lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS):
Your consultant may carry out a number of tests to find out if you have a benign prostate hyperplasia. These might include:
Depending on the outcome of these tests, your urologist may carry out further tests. These might include:
We offer a number of treatments for BPH, including:
Your consultant urologist will discuss your treatment options with you to help you find out which is right for you.
This content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional.