Admission and registration
Terms and conditions
This document should be read in conjunction with the Admission and Registration Form (referred to in this document as the “Registration Form”) which together form the terms and conditions of admission and registration to HCA UK hospitals or facilities.
In completing and signing the Registration Form, the signatories confirm acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in the Registration Form, and those contained in these Terms and Conditions of Patient Admission and Registration.
Your signature on the Registration Form confirms that you accept ultimate responsibility for payment of the hospital or facility charges, whether you are insured, sponsored or self-funding, and that you understand that HCA UK may use information about you in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws.
Your care
As a patient you are under the care of your Consultant, who may also involve other Doctors and healthcare professionals in your treatment if appropriate. HCA UK hospital staff provide care and treatment under the Consultant or Doctors' instructions.
Consent to treatment
Your consultant is responsible for arranging consent for specific medical or surgical treatment if it is required. The consent of a guardian is required if the patient is under 16 years of age. In the absence of a parent or guardian, a formal health Power of Attorney is required.
The law and your liability
For the purposes of this document 'Hospital' shall mean any hospital or facility owned or managed by HCA UK. Unless otherwise stated, the contract is between the Hospital providing the services and you the Patient. The contract (being the terms of the Registration Form and the Terms and Conditions of Patient Admission and Registration (including all non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. All disputes and claims arising (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.
Separate contracts will exist between you the Patient and your Consultant and/or Doctor(s) and where applicable, between you the Patient and your insurer, your sponsor and/or your guarantor.
The Patient, their representative or non-patient payor signature confirms acceptance of the terms and conditions of admission contained in the Registration Form and the Terms and Conditions of Patient Admission and Registration. Where the patient is under the age of 18, the Registration Form must be signed/also be signed by a parent or Patient Representative.
The Patient is liable for all personal expenses and any charges not settled by an insurer sponsor or guarantor (except NHS-funded patients who are only liable for their own personal expenses). If there are delays in settlement, HCA UK reserves the right to charge you the Patient interest and/or revoke any discounts previously applied.
Payment responsibilities
HCA UK company policy requires payment in full in advance, or at the time of treatment on all accounts not guaranteed by an approved third party. HCA UK reserves the right to charge you the Patient interest at the rate of 8% per annum, calculated from the date of discharge (or the date of the invoice if an invoice is presented prior to discharge), on all accounts where credit has not been granted and where there are delays in payment. Where fixed price, contractual or any other policy discounts have been applied to an account and subsequently the hospital experiences difficulties in collecting the account, HCA UK reserves the right to reverse the discount and to re-bill the account in full. The amount shown as payable on the invoice is net of discounts. Any further collection costs incurred by the hospital or facility (including fees billed by collection agencies and solicitors) may at HCA UK’s sole discretion be added to the final amount payable.
The Consultant, Doctors including physicians or surgeons who admit you, are not usually employees of HCA and they will invoice you separately for their services.
Hospital care does not include 'Special Nursing' requested by a Patient or Doctor, for reasons other than medical necessity.
1. Funding and payment
Payment for inpatient and/or outpatient services must be made in full on the day of treatment, except where a direct settlement agreement exists and where full details of the agreement are provided before the time of treatment.
If for any reason your insurer or third party sponsor, declines cover, fails to pay (all or parts of your charges) or there is an excess to pay – you are responsible for paying these charges directly to HCA UK.
1.1 Patients Who Are Self-Funding
Before you are admitted to a HCA UK hospital or facility for treatment, HCA UK must have received cleared funds in its account:
Where the cost of treatment is known in advance, the full cost of treatment; or
Where the cost of treatment is not known in advance, a deposit of at least £10,000 or a greater sum set by HCA UK depending on the circumstances. The value of the deposit will vary with treatment and at the discretion of the HCA UK hospital or facility providing the treatment.
Quotations or estimates given by a Doctor for HCA UK hospital or facility treatment are not valid unless confirmed in writing by the relevant hospital or facility. Hospital and facility prices will usually be reviewed on an annual basis.
In the case of emergency admissions where there is insufficient time to ensure payment in advance is made as set out above, payment must be received as soon as possible thereafter and in any event within seven days of your admission. If adequate payment is not received within that time, HCA UK reserves the right, subject to Applicable Law, to ease treatment for which payment has not been provided. reserves the right, subject to Applicable Law, to ease treatment for which payment has not been provided.
Once treatment and the provision of any associated services has ceased, HCA UK will return any positive balance to a bank account notified to it by you/the payor in writing.
1.2 Patients with Medical Insurance
HCA UK will process insurance claims directly with approved insurers on your behalf, if you (or where relevant, your representative) has provided claim details or a signed “Assignment of Benefits” statement.
It is your or your representative's responsibility to ensure cover is adequate to pay for treatment and to verify with the insurers that the condition to be treated is covered by an insurance policy.
HCA UK is not responsible for this verification and the failure to provide HCA UK with sufficient documentation will prevent direct settlements from the insurer.
In all circumstances, responsibility for payment of hospital or facility accounts rests ultimately with you/the payor. By signing the Registration Form, you agree that, if your insurer does not pay for any part of your treatment, you will pay this yourself (except for NHS-funded patients).
Should any guarantee fail, or insurance claim be declined in whole or in part, you/the payor will be required to pay the outstanding balance in full. Any differences in sums paid by the insurer and outstanding amounts on your account shall be invoiced to you/the payor who will be required to pay such sums within 14 days of the date of HCA UK’s invoice and/or letter.
1.3 Sponsored Patients
If a company, employer or other third party agrees to settle the account, they will need to provide a Letter of Guarantee along with a deposit, if requested. HCA UK accepts direct settlement arrangements only with third parties with whom it has a prior arrangement. If such an agreement is not in place, you the Patient will be responsible for payment.
Where a third party provides their own letter of guarantee, that letter must be addressed to HCA UK hospitals and must be patient, treatment and date- specific and include relevant reference numbers. The letter must specify any charges that are not included and any special requests for the format of the account.
1.4 HCA UK’S Guarantor Agreement
By signing HCA UK’s Guarantor Agreement, the guarantor agrees to be responsible and held liable for all charges incurred by HCA UK in providing treatment and services to you which are not paid when due by you or, if applicable, an insurer within 28 days of written request by HCA UK to do so. If a guarantor does not make payment in full of HCA UK’s outstanding invoices by the date specified in any demand for payment, they may be charged interest on such outstanding payments. The guarantor will also be responsible and held liable for any court and legal fees incurred for the recovery of sums due to be paid.
If you are insured, a guarantor agrees to be responsible and held liable for any outstanding payments owing from treatment which arise due to the limits of your insurance cover.
2. Deposits, Billing, Payment and Refunds
2.1 Billing
HCA UK will bill outpatients on the day of service unless they are undergoing regular recurring treatment, in which case HCA UK, at its full discretion, may agree to bill the account on a weekly or monthly basis. Short stay inpatients are billed for treatment at or soon after discharge, unless HCA UK at its sole discretion agrees otherwise. Longer stay patients will be billed at intervals set by HCA UK during their stay. Unless you hold full medical insurance cover with an approved body or guarantor, a deposit will be required at admission and thereafter the hospital may require further payments on account.
2.2 Payments
Organising payment in advance of your treatment will save considerable time on the day of your visit. Payment can be made via the methods listed below.
To make a payments online please click here
Credit or Debit Card
HCA UK accepts most major credit or debit cards. We will ask you for a swipe of a credit or debit card when you register with us. These card details will be kept securely for up to three months and we will let you know if we intend to take a payment from this card before we do so. The card will be debited for outstanding charges either on the day of treatment or shortly after the day of discharge.
The hospital will provide an invoice for all charges made against the card together with the credit card voucher.
Payment can be made by PayPal on the HCA UK website.
Payment by cheque must be made at least 10 working days prior to admission to allow funds to clear. Cheques can be accepted for smaller amounts billed, such as personal expenses.
If you choose to pay by cash, it must be in pounds sterling and not exceed £5,000. HCA UK do not accept foreign currency under any circumstances.
Bank transfer
Banks can usually generate same day transfers from current accounts on instruction from the account signatory. Please make sure the details include the patient's full name and HCA UK Patient Account Number. Payment should be made payable to HCA UK’s bank. Please request a transmission report from your bank and bring it with you.
Barclays Bank plc
St John's Wood and Swiss Cottage Branch
PO Box 2764
London NW3 6JD
Account Name: HCA International Limited
Sort Code: 20-74-71
Account number: 80933279
International Swift Code number: BARCGB22
2.3 Refunds
If deposit funds are due back to you following completion of treatment or your discharge from an HCA UK facility, HCA UK operates a strict refund policy which mandates that all refunds be paid in the same manner as the original payment was received. The exception to this rule is where payment has been in cash, in which case a cheque will be issued. If deposit funds are paid via a bank transfer, a letter of proof must be provided at time of admission, clearly stipulating the following details as confirmation of where payment originated: Payee, Bank Swift Code and IBAN Number.
All payments via bank transfer will be made to the same bank account that the original payment was received from. Refunds will only be processed when all charges have been finalised.
3.Packaged accounts and fixed price treatment
3.1 Packaged Accounts
Packaged accounts are billed as a one line bill, may be discounted at HCA UK’s sole discretion, and assume a routine stay without medical complications. They are offered on the basis that full payment is made before, or on admission, and payment for any additional items is settled before discharge.
It is you the Patient’s responsibility to ensure you understand what's not included in the package price as any charges not included will attract additional costs that you will be required to settle. Should there be any unexpected complications, HCA UK reserves the right to re-bill on an item of service basis. HCA UK reserves the right to bill any accounts not settled on departure in full and disapply any previously agreed discount.
3.2 Fixed Price and Self Pay Treatment
For information relating to fixed price treatment packages please refer to the Fixed Price Terms and Conditions and/or Self Pay Terms and Conditions sent to you or contact the Fixed Price Treatment team.
We may need to share your Data including, but not limited to your name and address, details of procedures and treatment for the purposes of billing, processing, payment or collection of accounts, credit referencing or audit requirements. This extends to any person or organisation we or the payor may involve in order to achieve this.
1. Data Protection Laws
Data Protection Laws set the obligations HCA UK has to you for the processing of your Personal Data. When we use or disclose your Personal Data, we will comply with the Data Protection Laws.
2. Signing the registration form
In connection with your treatment, we may collect Personal Data about you, including Data that relates to your physical or mental health, which is known as a special category of Personal Data (also known as sensitive Personal Data).
Your signature on the Registration Form confirms that you have read and understood how we will use your Personal Data, as set out in the Registration Form and this Document and that we have obtained your consent, if required, under Data Protection Laws, to the processing of your Personal Data, including special categories of Personal Data.
3. How we process your data
You have the right under the Data Protection Laws to request a copy of the Information HCA UK holds about you. If you would like to make such a request, you can do so by contacting the hospital or facility where you were treated.
Please note that you can opt out at any time from any of the Data processing and Data sharing described (although this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing of your Personal Data up to that point).
However, the consequence may be that we cannot continue to provide full healthcare services to you.
If you change your mind, after previously giving consent please contact us here:
How We Process Your Data to Manage Your Medical Care and for Debt Collection
Your Personal Data including medical Information may be disclosed to those involved with your current, ongoing or subsequent treatment or care at a HCA UK hospital or facility and, if applicable, to any person or organisation or their agents or service providers within and outside the European Union to carry out healthcare services and so that we can receive full payment for those services (this may also include transcription of medical notes).
Whilst you do not have to agree to the sharing of this Data, you should be aware that if you do not agree, this may affect or restrict the medical care we can provide to you.
Where we are relying on your consent, you are free at any time to change your mind and withdraw your consent. We will advise you if this will affect healthcare services we provide to you.
Insurers and/or Sponsors (or Guarantors)
We may share your Data with your insurer or any third party that has taken responsibility for payment of your bill on a strictly confidential basis, including your name and address for billing, processing, payment or collection of accounts, or credit referencing information. Sharing your information allows us to settle expenses related to your treatment. In the event that a bill is unpaid, then we may need to share Data with other professionals such as solicitors, collection agents, or credit referencing agencies.
Information provided to your insurer, any person, organisation, or their agents who may be responsible for your treatment expenses will become part of the information held by them. This means that they will be acting as a Data Controller under Data Protection Laws. Your insurer may arrange for processing of your Data outside the European Union. If you have any concerns about this or about any third party your insurer may share your Data with, please contact your insurer. If an insurer or other organisation has indicated that they will meet your expenses, they may choose to use non-medical information to send you details of products or services. If you do not wish to receive such information, please write directly to the insurer or other organisation.
HCA UK are not liable for any loss or damage caused by any action or inaction of your Insurers or Sponsors where they are the Data Controller.
HCA UK is not liable for any loss or damage caused by any action or inaction of Doctors or Consultants responsible for processing of your Personal Data where they are the Data Controller.
4. Other important information
In addition to reviewing the information provided in this Document, please also refer to Privacy policy for further information on how your data is used, how we maintain the security of your information, and your rights to access your Data. This notice does not form part of our terms and conditions with you and is provided for information only.
European Union (EU)
If your permanent address is outside the EU, or your treatment is continuing outside the EU, we may send details of your treatment to individuals based outside the EU specifically as part of your ongoing care Alternatively, if you would prefer, HCA UK will provide you with these details directly.
Contacting HCA – Information for Patients and Carers
If you choose to email us with your information, you do so at your own risk. Emails sent by HCA UK are protected using encryption software to ensure sensitive and confidential information is shared safely. If you do not wish to receive emails that are encrypted you will need to notify us in writing. We will ask you to confirm in writing that you wish to receive information by unencrypted email and that you understand and accept the risks associated with doing so if the information requested includes confidential health information.
1. Valuables
HCA UK accepts no responsibility for the loss of any cash or valuables belonging to patients or visitors.
Section D - Definition
The Admission and Registration Form (‘Registration Form’) and these Terms and Conditions of Patient Admission and Registration (‘Document’) together form the contract between the signatories and HCA International Limited (trading as HCA Healthcare UK and herein referred to as “HCA UK”) whose registered office is at 242 Marylebone Road, London NW1 6JL, England (Registered Number 03020522) and relate to the provision of treatment to the person identified as the ‘Patient’ in the Registration Form.
In the Registration Form and this Document the following capitalised terms shall have the meanings given to them below:
Patient: means any person who is treated or to be treated at a HCA UK hospital or using any HCA UK facility from time to time. “You”, ”Your” may be taken to refer to the Patient, unless otherwise indicated. Patient’s Representative means a person who represents the patient where the Patient is: (i) under 18 years of age; or (ii) over 18 years of age but does not have mental capacity.
Data Protection Laws: means the Data Protection Act 2018 and any other Applicable Law relating to the processing of Personal Data and privacy as amended or re-enacted and from time to time including the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, and the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) (“GDPR”) and “Personal Data” shall have the meaning given to it in the relevant Data Protection Laws with Personal Data including sensitive Personal Data and special categories of Personal Data.
Doctor and Consultant: For the purposes of this document, ‘Doctor’ refers to medically qualified doctors who are registered with the General Medical Council or other relevant Professional Body to undertake clinical practice in the UK. A ‘Consultant’ is a senior Doctor who has overall responsibility for the care of patients in a hospital or other healthcare facility.
Patient Care: A Patient is under the care and control of his or her Consultant who may also involve other Doctors in treatment, if appropriate. HCA UK staff provide care and treatment under the Doctor’s instructions. The Consultant or Doctor who admits the Patient is not usually an employee of HCA UK and will normally provide separate invoices for his/her services. The Payor (defined in the Liability section below) shall be liable for any such invoices.
Liability: The person identified as the “Payor”, or where none is identified the "Patient” or the “Patient Representative” (as applicable) in the signatories section of this contract agrees to be liable for all expenses and charges incurred under this contract in connection with the treatment of the Patient (including, but not limited to, ancillary services) and which are not settled by any insurer.
Non-Patient Payors and Patient Representatives:The Payor must be a separate legal or natural person to the Patient where the Patient is under the age of 18. In such cases, the Payor may be the Patient’s Representative. Where required by law, the Patient’s Representative agrees to enter into any contract on behalf of the Patient and give all such consents to be given by the Patient as are required by Applicable Law.
Applicable Law: All applicable statutes, regulations, orders, regulatory requirements, by-laws, ordinances, rules, subordinate legislation and other laws, including any judicial or administrative interpretation of them, in force from time to time in England and Wales.
Law and Disputes: This contract (including all non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. All disputes and claims arising (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England. By signing the Registration Form, the signatories confirm acceptance of the terms and conditions set out herein, and those contained in the Registration Form which are hereby incorporated by reference.