Occupational Health

Working with you to ensure the health, safety and welfare of your employees

Occupational health (OH) supports employees with work-related health and injury problems affecting them both in and outside of work. These can range from physical issues to mental health problems.

This practice contributes to an all-round healthier and more productive workforce, resulting in clear and obvious benefits for your company as a whole, particularly in reduced employee sickness and absence levels.

Occupational health in a post-COVID work environment

As companies move into new ways of hybrid working, our OH specialists combine their deep understanding of employee and business needs in this demanding environment, advising clients on reactive care and prevention including managing psychological care and physical wellbeing in the workplace.

Occupational health case management

We manage each case on an individual basis, from patient care whilst remaining at work, through to returning to work after absenteeism and, where appropriate, long-term disability care. We encourage early support and work with all client providers to optimise care and ensure the best possible outcome.


HCA UK Primary Care’s highly experienced occupational health team have provided specialist occupational health services across all areas of the UK’s public and private sectors for over 30 years.

Fully accredited by the Safe, Effective, Quality Occupational Health Service (SEQOHS) since 2015, we have been particularly recognised for our ongoing and committed care to each of our patients, as well as our comprehensive auditing and clinical records.